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Mr chips important short question answers-Goodbye Mr. Chips important questions answer notes for second-year English. [Updated today] Goodbye Mr. Chips Novel important short questions … Mr.chips 2nd-year class English Novel All Lesson Short Question and Answer.

 Lesson 01

Question No 1: When did Mr. Chips join Brookfield?
Ans: Mr. Chips joined Brookfield in 1870.

Question No 2: Who was the headmaster of the school when Mr. Chips joined it?

Ans: Wetherby was the headmaster of the school when Mr. Chips joined it.

Question No 3: What advice did Mr. Wetherby give to Mr. Chips?

Ans: Mr. Wetherby advised Mr. Chips to take a firm attitude from the beginning in the class and not to let anyone play tricks with him.

Question No 4: Why did he leave Melbury School?

Ans: Mr. Chips was ragged there by the students. He could not maintain discipline in his class. So he had to leave that school.

Question No 5: What happened when Mr. Chips took his first class at Brookfield?

Ans: When Mr. Chips entered the class he found five (500) wanton boys ready to rag him. There was complete silence in the class. Then someone dropped the lid of the desk. Fortunately, he saw the boy who had made this mischief. He gave him a punishment of writing a hundred lines. Then no boy dared tease him.

Question No 6: Who was Colley? What interesting joke was attached to him?

Ans: Colley was the boy who dropped a desk lid during the first class of Mr. Chips. After many years his son and then his grandson became Mr. Chips’ students. Mr. Chips used to ridicule his grandson by saying that both his father and grandfather were stupid but he believes that he was “the biggest fool of the lot”.

Question No 7: Where was Mr. Chips settled after retirements?

Ans: Mr. Chips lived at Mr. Wicket’s’ after retirements just across the road from the school. He had been there for more than a decade.

Question No 8: What was the quality of Mr. Chips’ voice?

Ans: The voice of Mr. Chips’ was jerky and high pitched having sprightliness.

Question No 9: What was Mr. Chips’ routine before going to bed?

Ans: Mr. Chips always wound up the clock after the last bell. He put the wire guard in front of the fire and carried a detective novel to bed.


Question No 1: When was Brookfield established and when was it reconstructed?

Ans: Brook filed was established in the region of Queen Elizabeth as a grammar school. Its main structure was rebuilt in the region of George.

Question No 2: What type of school was Brookfield? What type of person did it supply?

Ans: Brookfield was a good school of the second rank. It was not as famous as Harrow or Elton. However, it produced many history-making men of the age including judges, members of parliament, colonial administrator, peers and bishops and number of merchants and professionals

Question No 3: What were the qualifications of Mr. Chips?

Mr. Chips was an ordinary teacher with inadequate qualifications. He was a simple graduate from Cambridge. His degree was not good.

Question No 4: What was Mr. Chips given at the time of requirements?

Mr. Chips was retired in 1913, at the age of 65. He was presented with cheque, a writing desk and a clock.

Question No 5: Was Mr. Chips an ambitious person?

Mr. Chips was ambitious when he was young. His dream was to get a head ship or a senior mastership in a first rank school. But with the passage of time he realized that his qualifications were not good enough to materialize his dream.


Question No 1: Give a brief description of Mr. Chips’ room at Mrs. Wickett’?

The room of Mr. Chips at Mrs. Wicketts was small but comfortable and sunny. It was furnished simply. There were a few bookshelves, sporting trophies, a mantel piece crowded with fixture-cards and signed photographs of boys and men, a worn Turkey carpet, easy chairs, some pictures on the wall and a number of classical books and detective novels.

Question No 2: How does Mr. Chips remember Collingwood?

Mr. Chips remember Collingwood very well. He once thrashed him for climbing on to the gymnasium roof to get a ball out of the gutter. He had become a major in the army.

Question No 3: What were his tastes in reading?

His collection was chiefly classical. There were, however, a few books of history and belles letters’ there were also a number of cheap editions of detective novels.

Question No 4: Who was Mrs. Wicketts?

Mrs. Wicketts was a kind lady. Mr. Chips after retirement lives at Mrs. Wicketts as a playing guest. She had been in charge of the linen room at Brookfield.


Question No 1: Where and when did Mr. Chips meet Katherine?

In the summer of 1896, Mr. Chips went to the district lake to enjoy vacations. One day, climbing on Great Gable, he noticed a girl standing on a dangerous point and waving excitedly. Mr. Chips rushed to save the girl but slipped and wrenched his ankle. The girl was Katherine who was a good climber and waving her friend. Katherine, with the help of her friend, took Mr. Chips to his farmhouse at Wasdale where he was staying.

Question No 2: When were they married?

Katherine used to visit Chips. Within weeks they were head over heels in love. They married in Landon a week before the beginning of autumn term. At the time of marriage Chips was 48 while Katherine was 25.

Question No 3: What was Katherine’s appearance?

Katherine was 25, young enough to be Chips’ daughter. She had blue flashing eyes, freckled cheeks, and smooth straw-colored hair.

Question No 4: What were the views of Katherine?

Katherine had radical socialistic views. She liked writers having radical socialistic inclinations. She loved reading Ibsen, Bernard Shaw, and William Morris. She believed that women ought to be admitted to universities they ought to have a right to vote.

Question No 5: Describe Mr. Chips’ views about women?

Mr. Chips was a conservative man who lived too much in the past. He did not like modern women who were bold, fashionable and had radical view. He thought nice women were weak, timid, and delicate.

Question No 6: Why did Katherine like Mr. Chips?

Ans: Katherine liked Mr. Chips because he had gentle and quiet manners, because his ideas were noble in-spite of being old and because his eyes were brown and he looked charming when he smiled.

Question No 7: Which were the professions disliked by Katherine?

Katherine liked the profession of Chips’. She thanked God that Mr. Chips was a teacher and not a solicitor, a stockbroker, a dentist, or a business in Manchester.

Question No 8: How did Katherine address Mr. Chips on the night before the wedding?

Katherine said that it was their last farewell. She felt rather like a new boy beginning his first term with him. Then she said Mr. Chip’s goodbye—–Goodbye Mr. Chips.

 LESSON NO: 6+7+8

Question No 1: What were the changes that came in the life of Chips after marriage?    Ans: 
Mr. Chips had been a dry and neutral sort of person before marriage. Katherine brought a positive change in his life. His eyes gained sparkle and his mind became adventurous. His sense of humor sharpened. He became more popular after marriage.

Question No 2: What advice did Katherine give to Mr. Chips about the boys?

Katherine always advised Chips to be kind and lenient to his students. But she also told him to be strict when it was necessary.

Question No 3: Did Mr. Chips want to make a collection of his recollection?

Mr. Chips wanted to make a collection of his recollections. He used to remember thousands of his students and scores of incidence that took place during school years. He tried to make notes in an exercise book. But he soon got tired. Moreover while writing, the memories lost their charm.

Question No 4: Write down some of the memories of Chips?

His memories were mainly about Katherine and Brookfield school. Chips remembered the matter of Archer’s resignation; matter about the rat that Dunster put in the organ loft, lute old Ogilvie was taking choir practice.

Question No 5: What were the Chips’ mental conditions after Katherine’s death?

After Katherine’s death, he was mentally normal. He did not find any interest in school affairs. Young Faulkner met in the lane. He wished to have the afternoon off. Chips were so disturbed that he said “you can go to Blaze”.


Question No 1: 
Who were Boers and what his views about them?

The Boers were the Dutch South African. Mr. Chips was not a pro-Boer but he was also not in the favour of people who condemned them bitterly.

Question No 2: Why did Mr. Chips think to give up his house mastership?

After Katherine’s death, Mr. Chips was so cast down that he thought of giving up his house mastership but the head convinced him not to do that. Later he felt glad as this work kept him pretty engaged.

Question No 3: Who succeeded Mr. Wetherby?

Mr. Meldrum succeeded Mr. Wetherby in 1870 and acted till his death in 1900.

Question No 4: How long did Wetherby serve Brookfield?

Mr. Wetherby served Brookfield for three decades. He joined Brookfield in 1840 and served up till 1870.

Question No 5: Who became the acting head, Mr. Meldrum?

Mr. Chips was appointed as acting head before the appointment of a successor of Mr. Meldrum.

Question No 6: When and how did Mr. Meldrum die?

Mr. Meldrum died of Pneumonia in 1900.

Question No 7: What type of person was Mr. Ralston?

Mr. Ralston was a young man of 37, “glittering with firsts and blues”. He was an efficient person. He had an impressive personality. But at the same time, he was the very ambitious and ruthless person.

Question No 8: Why didn’t Mr. Chips like Mr. Ralston?

Mr. Chips didn’t like Mr. Ralston because their temperament was quite different. Chips was an old conservative person while Ralston was young, modern, and ambitious. Mr. Chips was a soft and mild man while Ralston was harsh and ferocious.

LESSON NO: 11+12

Question No 1: What was the cause of the row between Chips and Ralston?

Mr. Chips and Ralston never liked each other. Mr. Ralston asked Mr. Chips to think of retirement. He also objected to his dress, his slovenly habits, his old method of teaching, and his pronunciation. So in 1908, there was a row between the two.

Question No 2: How did the news of the row spread?

small boy, waiting to see Ralston, listened to their exchange of hot words. Naturally, he told his friends. Some of these told their parents. In this way, the news of the row spread all around in no time. The people, the school boys, and the staff planned to protest against Ralston.

Question No 3: How was this row resolved?

Sir John Rivers, chairman of the board of Governors, visited Brookfield. He ignored Ralston and went straight to Mr. Chips. He favored Chips and told him that the Governors did not want him to resign. He could stay there till he was a hundred.

Question No 4: When did Ralston leave Brookfield?

In 1911, Ralston left Brookfield “to better himself”. He was offered the Headship of a greater public school.

Question No 5: Who was the successor of Ralston?

Ans: Ralston’s successor was Mr. Chatter is whom Chips liked. He was younger than Ralston.

Question No 6: Why and when did Mr. Chips resign?

In 1913, Chips had to resign on the account of Bronchitis. He was 65 at that time. He realized that it would not be fair to hang on if he could not do his job properly.

Question No 7: What was the feather of his speech at the farewell party?

He made a memorable speech at the farewell party. It was studded with Jokers, Latin proverbs, and recollections of the past.

Question No 8: Give the reference of the captain of the school in Chips’ speech?

In his speech, he gave a reference to the captain of the school who exaggerated in speaking of Chips’ services to Brookfield. Mr. Chips said that the boy belonged to an exaggerating family. His father had exaggerated one mark into seven.

Question No 9: What was his routine at him after retirement?

He was making a record of his recollections. He took on the preparation and editing of a new Brookfield Directory. He accepted presidency of the old boy club and went to dinners in London. He contributed to the Brookfield terminal magazine. He also entertained the boys.

Question No 10: Who was Max Staefel?

In august 1913, Chips went for treatment to Wiesbaden. There he stayed at the home of the German master at Brookfield field, max Staefel. He became friendly with him.

LESSON NO: 13+14+15

Question No 1: What was condition during war days?

During the world War-1, there were military camps near Brookfield. In the play ground of the school military exercise could be seen. Most of the young masters joined the army. There were constant air raids. On Sunday the head master read out the names of the boys killed in the war.

Question No 2: Why did Chatteries visit Mr. Chips?

At the end of the July 1916, Chatteries visited Mrs. Wicketts to talk to Mr. Chips. He was over worked and looked ill. He requested Chips to help him in discipline and administrative matters of the school.

Question No 3: What is abhorrendum?

Ans: There was a mysterious kind of rissole. It was a dish of mince-balls. I began to appear on the school menus on every Monday and Chips called it humorously abhorrendum which means abhorred.

Question No 4: When was Chips once again made the acting head?
During the winter of 1917, Chips became once again the acting head due to the death of Mr. Chatteries.

Question No 5: Why was the death of Max Staefel not denounced?

 Max Staefel was German. He was a teacher at Brookfield before the World War-1. He was killed in the war, fighting on the side of the Germans. But his death was not denounced rather Mr. Chips read out his name with the other Brookfieldians who were killed in the war.

Question No 6: When did Chips give his resignation?Ans: After the World War-1, on November 11, 1918, Chips finally gave his resignation.

LESSON NO: 16+17+18

Question No 1: When did Chips make his will?

Chips made his will in 1930. Except for legacies to the mission and to Mrs. Wickett, he left all he had for an open scholarship for Brookfield boys.

Question No 2: What were the things he had never done?
Chips had never been to a cinema and had never traveled by air.

Question No 3: Who was the last visitor of Mr. Chips?
It was a foggy day when Linford visited him. Chips did not know him. Chips entertained him with tea. The boy before leaving bade him “good bye, Mr. Chips”.

Question No 4: What was his reaction when Cartwright expressed his regret at Chips being issueless?Ans: Just before Chips’ death Cartwright expressed that Chips was issueless. But Mr. Chips opened his eyes and answered, “I thousand of children; all the Brookfield boys are my children”.

Question No 5: Describe the death scene of Mr. Chips?Ans: Mr. Wickett had gone to some relatives. Mr. Cartwright and Dr. Merivale were there. They advised Mr. Chips to sleep and the same night he died.

Question No 6: When did Mr. Chips die?Ans: Mr. Chips died at a November night 1933. He died because of respiratory failure.

Question No 7: A decent career decently ended. Discuss.
Mr. Chips served Brookfield for quite a long time. He had become a legend. He was honored and loved by the students as well as staff members. He served the school in a dignified manner and his career came to an end in a dignified way.

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