There are many different kinds of Christian schools. Some focus on elementary education, while others offer secondary education or combine the two. Many Christian schools also focus on a specific denomination, such as Lutheran, Baptist, or Anabaptist. 

In all cases, these institutions are religious and emphasize Christian values in their teachings and practices. However, that doesn’t mean they’re identical in all respects. Some Christian schools may be more conservative than others regarding doctrine or school policies and procedures. 

Here is an overview of some of the values taught to kids in Christian schools in Tampa, Florida:


Honesty is a core value in many Christian schools and is intended to help kids cultivate a strong sense of character. As such, people in Christian schools are expected to be honest. This means that students should work hard to avoid cheating or plagiarism, and they should always tell the truth. 

In the same way, students should be open and honest when dealing with their peers, teachers, and administrators. 

Good Behavior

A Christian school may have a code of conduct that students are expected to follow and sign. This will outline all the rules and expectations, which may have consequences for those who break them. 

Teachers and administrators will expect students to follow the code of good behavior. This is meant to foster a positive and productive school culture and help students mature into responsible and well-adjusted individuals. 


Students are expected to be polite and courteous, whether they’re peers, teachers, or administrators. In many cases, this means using “sir” or “ma’am” when addressing adults, standing when an adult enters the room and addressing peers with a “s/he” pronoun. 

It may also mean cleaning up after yourself, picking up books and pencils when you drop them, and saying “thank you” when someone does you a favor.  

Discipline and Self-Control

A well-managed school will emphasize discipline and self-control. This doesn’t mean that kids are expected to be quiet and restrained, but it does mean that they should feel a responsibility to act in a respectful and restrained way. 

In many cases, this means that children must wait their turn and be respectful toward other students. Some schools in Tampa Florida, have rules against pushing, shoving, and other forms of physical aggression, while others expect their students to maintain a high degree of self-control in the face of provocation.


As kids grow up and learn to take on more responsibility, they’ll need to learn to lead with integrity. This means they must do what they say they will do and be honest in their dealings with others. It also means they must be careful to avoid taking advantage of people, cheating and lying. 

In many Christian schools, the emphasis on integrity is so strong that students are expected to keep a very high standard of honesty and integrity in their schoolwork and class assignments. 

In Conclusion

Christian schools in Tampa, Florida, play an important role in children’s education, and they often provide a unique and valuable experience for students.

That said, these are just a few of the core values that are found in Christian schools. As students grow older and take on more responsibility, they’re expected to follow these values. The goal is for them to become well-rounded individuals who are successful and productive members of society. 

Whether you’re looking at elementary, middle, or high schools, remember to consider what values are taught and how they will benefit your child.