Are You Looking? 9th class English Chapter 5, Daffodils Summary, of Matric,class 9 are here in this post.

9th class English Chapter 5 Dafodils Summary

The poem is written by William Wordsworth an American poet. Who was also a romantic poet. Due to his love for nature, most of his poems describe nature and its beauty. One day poet was travelling along the countryside when he came across a large number of daffodils. These flowers were growing at the bank of the river. These were dancing and moving I the breeze. The sight delighted the poet and he looked at these flowers for a long time. The poets and writers have actually a world of imagination. They think beyond that world. The poet feels pleasure in the company of daffodils.

“Beside the lake beneath the tree, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze”.

The sight of pretty yellow daffodils delighted the poet. So that whenever he is alone in thinking mode the same sight come in his mind and his heart fills with pleasure. Natural beauty and the color of nature are the real and permanent source of pleasure for the poet. He feels very relax and his all tension disappear from his mind, whenever the sight of daffodils come to his mind. Nature and its beauty left an everlasting impression on poet imagination. Natural beauty is a source of attraction for the poet. The poet feels happiness in the company of daffodils and these flowers have become a permanent source of spiritual joy for the poet.

“Nature is a guiding mother”.

The most common effect of nature on our mind is that it removes or reduces our stress level and lead us to the height of imagination, which is actually a heaven for all the poets and writers.

“Nature does require her time for Preservation”

The scene of daffodils saved in the memory of the poet that after few years passing poet can recall these memories in his solitude. He can visualize their beauty as they were there in reality. That is the magic of the poet.

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