Discussion Method of Teaching If you are looking Discussion Method of Teaching then this is the right place for you. In this Post you can find  Dicussion method of teaching pdf, discussion method of teaching, importance of teaching through web, what are the advantages of discussion method of teaching, types of discussion method of teaching is here https://bettilt.co.in/


  • At the end of this topic the student will be able to
  • Define discussion method
  • Describe characteristics of discussion methods
  • Discuss types of discussion method
  • Identify appropriate use of discussion method
  • Discuss advantages and disadvantages of discussion method
  • Describe planning for conducting discussion method


  • The word ‘discuss’ has been derived from the Latin root ‘discutere’, which means to shake or strike
  • A discussion is an activity of sitting and talking about a specific subject.


  • A discussion method is the means by which people share experiences, ideas and attitudes.
  • The discussion method of teaching is a process in which a small group assembles  to communicate with each other, using speaking listening and nonverbal processes in order to achieve instructional objectives.
  •  Discussion Method, also called the Socratic Method after the Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, who would engage his students with questions and dialogue. Because the class is small, the tutor is able to determine each student’s progress, and students have ample occasion to make their difficulties known. There is a true meeting of the minds.
  •  A defining feature of discussion is that students have considerable activity in the construction of knowledge, understanding, or interpretation. 
  • Discussion require interaction between students and teachers.
  •  Discussion involves two-way communication between participants. In the classroom situation a teacher and students all participate in discussion. 
  • During discussion, the teacher spends some time listening while the students spend sometime talking.
  • Meaning of Discussion Method
  • Discussion method of teaching is a group activity involving the teacher and the student to define the problem and seek its solution. 
  • Discussion method is also described as a constructive process involving listening ,thinking ,as well as the speaking ability of the student. 
  • Usually, during classroom discussions, the instructor will first lecture for a certain amount of time. After the lecture ends, the instructor asks students questions requiring them to answer with concrete examples and reflect on their understanding of the topic.
  • Planning for discussion
  • There are essential planning elements in discussion. 
  • They are briefly stated: Choosing the discussion topic 
  • Phrasing the discussion question 
  • Outlining the topic 
  • Planning discussion strategy, the beginning phase
  • Planning the discussion strategy, the middle phase 
  • Planning the discussion strategy , the end Phase.
  • Choosing the discussion topic Ideally the teacher should not select the topic . It is left for the group to select the topic.


  • Phrasing the discussion questions: Once the topic is selected than the questions be carefully phrased t the group.
  • Outling the topic: Once an acceptable question is phrased, then the teacher should start writing the aspect of the question which he feels are important.

  • Planning discussion strategy( the beginning phase): At this stage the teacher should determine what type of discussion, he will intend to launch.
  •  Planning discussion strategy( the middle phase) :To plan the middle phase of discussion, it is best to prepare a set of central questions which the teacher believes need to answered.
  • Planning discussion strategy( the end phase) The end phase has three important parts
    • 1.drawing conclusion, 
    • 2.recapitulation and launching new activities.



Types of Discussion

Types of discussion are


  • The symposium
  • The panel discussion
  • Informal group discussion
  • Formal group discussion

The symposium 

In this type of discussion, three or more persons present their views on a several sided question or topic.

Group discussion 

Group Discussion are organized in two forms 
  • Formal group discussion
  •  Informal group discussion

Formal group discussion 

In formal group discussion there is a discussion leader and there are several recourse members who represent special skills and specialized knowledge.


Informal group discussion :

Here the student is the leader of the discussion activities. With the help of this students can develop leadership qualities among them. 





Advantages of Discussion Method

The following are the merits of discussion method.


  • Assimilates and integrate information
  • Connects new with old knowledge
  • Stimulates thinking
  • Develop rational thinking
  • Reveals students attitude
  • Helps in evaluating problems
  • Increase interest
  • Develop understanding in students
  • Demonstration independence
  • Facilitate achievement in objectives
  • Develop critics
  • Develop the feelings of group work
  • Promote cooperation
  • Develop creativity
  • Develop tolerance
  • Achieves higher order objectives
  • Deviation from topic
  • Only few students participate
  • Students become opponents
  • Involves more criticism
  • time consuming

Group-discussion cannot be used as a teaching strategy but it can be used as a supplement technique after lecture and demonstration method of teaching.



  • Every students should be provided an opportunity to participate in the discussion
  • Students should be encouraged and motivated to participate in the discussion
  • Irrelevant criticism should not be encouraged.