Are you Looking at types of teaching methods pdf, teaching methods and strategies, the importance of teaching methods, effective teaching method, teaching methods ppt, the best method of teaching, modern methods of teaching, importance of teaching methods pdf, Concept of Teaching Method and Strategies are here in this post…..

Concept of Teaching Method and Strategies:

  • Teaching is a process of imparting knowledge and guiding the pupils to learn through their own activities, training their emotions, and developing their power and capacities.
  • Teaching, the profession of those who give instruction especially in an elementary, secondary, or in a university.
  • In the late 20th century it was estimated that there were 30 million teachers throughout the world. Though their roles and functions vary from country to country. 
  • There are three subgroups of teachers:
     1.primary-school, or elementary school, teachers;
    2.Secondary school teachers; teachers

Concept of Teaching

  • Teaching derived from: to teach Which means to instruct
  • Process in which one individual makes something known to another individual.

Teaching is a bipolar process – John Adam (Narrow Meaning)

The traditional concept of Teaching

Teaching is the act of imparting instructions to the learners in the classroom situation. In traditional classroom teaching, the teacher gives information to students, or one of the students reads from a text-book, while the other students silently follow him in their not merely imparting knowledge or information to students.

Modern Concept of Teaching 

Teaching is a Tripolar Process (Broad Meaning) 

  • Teacher
  • Curriculum
  • Student

Modern Concept of Teaching

  • Teaching is to cause the pupil to learn and acquire the desired knowledge, skills, and also desirable ways of living in society. 
  • It is a process in which learners, teachers, curriculum, and other variables are organized in a systematic and psychological way to attain some predetermined goals.

Importance of Teaching

  • Teaching is an important element in the process of Education
  • Its special function is to impart knowledge, develop understanding and skill
  • Teaching is communication between two or more persons, who influence each other by ideas and learn something in the process of interaction
  • Teaching includes all the activities of providing education to others. 
  • Through teaching, the teacher aims at giving some knowledge to the students; Passing some information to them; Making the students acquire some skill; Changing the attitude of the learners; Modifying the behavior of the students; Giving some experiences of life; etc., 

Definitions of Teaching

Some Expert Views about Concept of Teaching: 

H.C. Morrison (1934): 

“teaching is intimate contact between a more mature personality and less mature one which is designed to further the education of the latter.”


N. L, Gage(1962): 

“Teaching is a form of interpersonal influence aimed at changing the behavior potential of another person”

 B.D. Smith (1961): 

“Teaching is a system of actions intended to produce learning.”

 Albert Einstein: 

“The supreme art of teaching is to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge “


 Ryburn’s view: 

“Teaching is a relationship which keeps the child to develop all his powers.”

 Burton’s view: 

“Teaching is the stimulation guidance, direction and encouragement of learning.”

Characteristics of Teaching

  • Teaching is an interactive process
  • Teaching is both formal and informal 
  • Teaching is art, craft as well as science 
  • Teaching is not one-sided 
  • Teaching is not an independent activity
  • Teaching is a planned activity 
  • Teaching is diagnostic and remedial 
  • Teaching is dominated by communication skills 
  • Good teaching is democratic 
  • Teaching causes motivation 
  • Teaching is professional in character